Wednesday 9 April 2014

Audience Research Analysis- Questionnaire and Impact of Research

The reason why I created a questionnaire before creating my trailer poster and magazine, was to get a feel for what type of audience I was going to be dealing with. This also helped me target my ideas towards the audience that were already interested and give them what they wanted, as well as trying to make my products aimed towards a larger target audience to increase the population of which would like to see my film. By creating a questionnaire I was able to find out a few more things about my audience than what I would have done without one. It gave me a greater insight into the demographics of my audience.

Firstly, I asked my audience what age and gender they were firstly to find out the demographics of my audience. My feedback of audience research came from 9 boys and 6 girls between the ages of 17 to 19. I distributed my questionnaire to the an audience of both genders and between the ages of 17-19 because this was going to be my target audience, plus when I want to create my audience feedback for the creation/production of my trailer, it would be easy to get feedback from such an audience because they're the ages of the people at college who I'm with on a day to day basis. I asked this audience whether they liked horror films so that I could take into account the people that don't like horror films when asking them questions on the topic. In my questionnaire 2 people said that they didn't like horror, so these peoples views were taken into separate account. For example, when I asked my audience whether they liked the idea for my horror film, one of them has actually stated that they do like the idea, therefore, changing someones mind of the stereotypical horror genre. 15/16 liked the idea of having a drug twisted film, and hence, liked the plot for our trailer, which gave the group a great go ahead for making a trailer based on this story line.

I also asked my audience how many films on average that they watch a month over 50% of which don't watch films very often (between 0 and 5 times) which i percived to be quite normal, and expected this percentage to be higher. But the other percentage, surprisingly, watch a lot of films each month, one of which 16+ a month. I found this very surprising, and made me realise that my audience where quite knowledgeable and experienced when coming to terms with film and potentially analysis of films too. This means that my feedback should be fairly reliable. I wanted to know a bit more about my audience and so asked them what was their favourite horror sub-genre. The majority either said psychological or paranormal both with 35% of votes each. This was good because our trailer was going to be made as a psychological, and helped us in having a greater audience.

The impact of research tells you in detail the difference between initial ideas/research and the viability of ideas to create a more thorough and 'appetizing' product. 

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