Wednesday 9 April 2014

Analysis of a Horror Character

I chose to analyse Hannibal Lecter, as my horror character. this is because Hannibal is known by everyone for his infamous prowess as Anthony Hopkins plays a psychiatrist turned cannibalistic serial killer of which sinking his teeth into the zeitgeist, oscar award winning, iconic role, in The Silence of The Lambs. The film had a budget of $19 million and made $273 million through box office. 

Hannibals role in the film is to serve as a protagonist if antagonist, or otherwise known as assisting Clarice (the detective) in solving the "Buffalo Bill" serial killing- of which Jame Grumb (the "Buffalo Bill serial killer) skins his female victims - later believed to be due to his rejection of a sex-change.
Hannibal literally feeds off Clarice and plays mind-games with her, even though parallel to his genius plan, she's 'eating away' at the case. 

Throughout the film you mainly just see close-ups of Hannibals face as his head is dipped with a slight tilt looking up at the villain to show his power and imply his dark, criminal mind. The clothes (costumes) within the film are either to restrain him for example the famous straight jacket and mask that he wears when being transferred... 

However when he is in his cell, he appears to be wearing simple plain white clothing, that connotes innocence and purity. Yet this could be used as a contrast to his mind. 

The mise-en-scene wherever he travels appears to be dull and gloomy, for example the cage that he fell that he gets transferred too, is more like a cage. This could once again represent his mind as a cage, and he wants to be free to express his 'idea' of his elaborative evilness. 

I believe his motivation is none other than to prove to himself of his shear intelligence. I think he strives off people's reaction to his judgements, which could also connote why he's wearing white frequently, as if he believes he's godly. 

Over all, his character is well thought of and appreciated by many a critic, due to mysterious prowess. Anthony Hopkins is therefore one of my favourite actors as he plays this role to a sublime amount of perfection and somewhat lives as the character, just like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

Link to the trailer- click below

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